I know it's been a while since I updated here. The last few months have been absolute chaos for me, both situations and in my head. Quite a few things have happened since the last post.
Discovered that I'm suddenly allergic to Sulfa thanks to a sinus infection, that was a scary experience.
Moved out of the house in Rocky Mount and took off to Michigan to spend Christmas with friends and family.
Laptop died.
Fought snow back home most of the month.
Spent time with J and H and baby A, had an awesome time!
Got back in touch with Kirk's amazing family and got to play some D&D with them! I didn't realize how very much I missed being part of that family until I spent time with them again. It was very bittersweet having to leave so soon after finding out it was okay, that they didn't hate me after all.
Headed for Tennessee to make sure I was around for M and baby G when J deployed. J gave me his Mac since he got a new laptop for the deployment and they didn't want me to be without a way to talk to Tommy while he was still gone.
Spent time with M and baby G until they left for Cali for part of J's deployment.
Made baby G a blanket for her first birthday.
Got in touch with a couple of old friends at Ft Campbell.
Found apartment here in Colorado.
Hung out with C and her kidlets. Taught the oldest one to say a few select phrases, oops! Apparently, 'oh hell' and 'kick him in the dick' aren't things a two year old should say.
Left Tennessee, headed for Colorado. Stopped in Oklahoma to spend a couple days with S and her hubby and little one. It's hard to believe that the last time I saw them the baby was only 6 months old, now she's running and starting to talk!
Tommy came home three days after I arrived in Colorado Springs.
I joined a few meetup groups in hopes of making whatever time we have left here slightly less miserable than the first year was.
Met Tommy's battle buddy and his wife, they're awesome. We have been hanging out with them, it's always an adventure.
Nothing particularly new this month, been crocheting, playing 360, getting the house settled, trying to get back into the routine of having him home. Still fighting the darkness inside.
Went to the doctor today, back on allergy meds and Metformin I go!
There have been a few other things, and a lot of reflection, maybe I'll get to that later.