Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Sun May Shine, But The Darkness Will Remain...

I said I was going to get better at updating this thing, didn't I? Oops. I've been such an epic fail at keeping it updated for so long that I doubt anyone even reads it any more.

hmm.. what's happened since April? Quite a bit, actually. The military ball was the day after I last posted.

I made a blanket right before we left that's still hanging around. I've decided to donate it to The Evelyn Rose Foundation, a friends non-profit that also does Precious Memories Gift Baskets.

Leave was in May, it was a giant stress-fest that I could have done without.

While on leave we celebrated my mother in laws birthday.

And she snatched A's wig from the church play.

In June, my sister graduated. I'm so proud of that little turd, it was a long road.

My niece came back from Michigan with us.

She got her first dangly earrings and got to see 'the big red rocks' (Garden of the Gods) all in one day.

Wore my Social Distortion t-shirts more than I have in the two weeks she was here. Her new favorite song is Machine Gun Blues, she has pretty good taste for a five year old.

She asked me to make her an eye patch, then spent an entire evening running around our apartment saying 'Arr me ladies!'

My other sister came to pick her up and brought the younger ones, it was pretty chaotic here for a few days. I, of course, only remembered to take one picture. The littlest one wearing Tommy's shoes.

After everyone was gone, I went back to my usual activities, turning piles of yarn into stuff for people.

Now I'm working on a blanket that I've had to start three times, it's quickly becoming the bane of my existence.

I think that's pretty much everything I needed to share. I'll try not to wait another four and a half months to update.