Saturday, November 27, 2010

Can Anybody Hear Me?

I'm slacking on this thing...yet again. I suppose that just saves me from boring anyone to death.

I haven't really been posting because I've been trying to catch up on all of the crocheting I didn't do when it was too damn hot to think this summer. I've made up my first pattern! I'll post a picture when I find the yarn to finish it, I ran out five squares from being finished and now no one is carrying the shade I need. I also learned a new pattern, shell and cluster, it's a pretty, lacy one.

I decided on Tennessee for Thanksgiving, it makes more sense to go home to Michigan for Christmas, when my little sisters will be out of school and I can actually spend some time with them.

Nothing terribly interesting going on here, I've finally started looking for a new place in Colorado, not having much luck there, everything I've found is either too expensive or too far from post. err

For the record, I hate this time of year, the holidays, the greed, the crowds everywhere, the weather, all of it makes me miserable.

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