Sunday, October 3, 2010

Little Supernovas In My Head

Today's the day, I'm heading back to Virginia this evening. I'm not ready to go back and have to deal with real life again just yet, but at this point I haven't much other choice, there are things that need to be dealt with, like bunnies and bills.

I've had fun here in Tennessee, went to Oktoberfest with Megan and her husband and ended up at my favorite bar here in Clarksville, luckily Megan and J enjoy it too. I was surprised at how empty it was for a Friday night, when I lived here and went, Fridays were always wall to wall in that place.

I didn't take many pictures while being here, in fact, I think I only took one and that was so baby G could see herself on my phone while she was playing with it. I'll try to take some more tonight before I go.

I still haven't decided on my year long project for my birthday, Kate had some wonderful ideas, now I'm working on the overall for it and deciding whether to include it in this blog or start another just for the project.

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