Monday, March 1, 2010

Watch Out, Here I Come...

It occurred to me that I should probably introduce myself, and maybe what this is going to be all about, for any random readers that happen by.

I'm 26, married, living in Colorado for the time being, and this blog is my daily adventures in marriage, crochet, losing weight, and whatever else I happen to get into. Enjoy.

I made candy last night, it was from a kit, but it was enough for me to realize that candy-making isn't something I have the attention span for.

I made lipstick the other night, I'll take and post pics of that later. Right now it looks like I need to get my butt in gear on a couple of blankets, Megan is being induced right now and Heather went to the hospital a few hours ago in labor, I haven't finished either of their blankets. My arm hurts, and I have a scarf to finish by morning as well, just waiting for the Tylenol to kick in now so I can get back to it.

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